Playground Game Stencils

Personalized Hopscotch

Personalized Hopscotch

Age: 678910 | Category: Games

Add your own Logo, School Name, or Mascot to the above section where “Home” is…
Or add “Home” in another language.
This game is a variation of the traditional hopscotch that everyone can enjoy. It is an excellent beginner game for young children as it allows them to learn how to jump on one foot, gain their balance and recognize the order of elementary numbers. This is one of the many designs that can be used for hopscotch and it comes along with some variation in game play. Hopscotch is a game about throwing, hopping and not falling over!
  • Width: 3' 3"

    Length: 13' 11"


    Recommended Paint Colours: white, red

    # Cans Paint Needed: 1

    # Pieces: 4

  • Add your own Logo, School Name, or Mascot to the above section where “Home” is…

    Or add “Home” in another language.

    This game is a variation of the traditional hopscotch that everyone can enjoy. It is an excellent beginner game for young children as it allows them to learn how to jump on one foot, gain their balance and recognize the order of elementary numbers. This is one of the many designs that can be used for hopscotch and it comes along with some variation in game play. Hopscotch is a game about throwing, hopping and not falling over!

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